Sunday, November 23, 2008


Today, Public Primary schools are found in almost every barrio in the Province of Bohol.

In year 1888 the public schools were only found in the town center and some large barrios. The schools were divided into school for boys and school for girls.

In 1888 the four years primary education was the end of basic education. At the end of the school year the pupils are given a final examination and those who pass will be graduated. Those who learn how to read and write Spanish was already qualified to take the Segunda EnseƱanza of five (5) years and after that earn a Bachelor's Degree.

If we say that today's 10 years from elementary to high school graduation is not enough, the Spanish era education was still shorter. Today's high school graduate is higher in learning than the Spanish era Bachelor's Degree.

1888 Enrolment Data

Herewith is the report for the public schools in Bohol dated June 16, 1888. During that time, the Island of Siquijor was still part of Bohol.


Of the 8,129 boys who took the finishing examination in the public schools 2,741 were found to know how to read and write in Spanish. There were 1,692 who knew how to read only and 2,694 were recommended to be delayed for correction. The others failed.

Of the 10,674 girls who took the examination, 3,774 knew how to read and write Spanish and 2,460 knew how to read only and 3,450 to be delayed for correction. The others failed.


Just like today, there were good and bad teachers. For example in the town of Loon, Bohol, of the 600 girls, all of them took the finishing examination. The teacher for girls must have been good to have all her girl-pupils qualify to take the examination. Just imagine how to teach a multiple level class of 600 pupils. In general, we can see that the level of learning was very low. Only about 30% knew how to read and write.

It is interesting to note that the towns in the Island of Siquijor have bigger enrolment than in Bohol. In fact the town of Siquijor had the biggest enrolment. There must have been a reason for this which we could not determine from the records.

For most of the children, their primary education was the end of their schooling. Only very few could go to Cebu for the Segunda EnseƱanza.
(Reference: Varias Papeles de Bohol)

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